Function call graph
The call graph window is accessed either from a function’s context menu (Proximity view’s toolbar button. It displays the caller / callee relationships between all the identified functions of the program, centered around the current function.
) or from theBasics
The call graph window needs you to be located within an identified function. If you are outside the scope of a function, you’ll first need to jump to one, either by hitting f or F, or by clicking on any of the identified function in the Functions tab left of the window.
The call graph window then displays the graph of functions and their caller/callee relationships, centered around the current function. The relationships are displayed up to a fixed depth, which can be set in the toolbar.
In this graph, each function is represented by a node. Clicking on a node will display the node in a code view (either the Disassembly view or the Proximity view, depending on which on was used last). The graph layout is horizontal:
the left-most nodes are the callers
in the middle is the current function (highlighted with a red border)
the right-most nodes are the callees