Yara signatures (analysis.sigs)

analysis.sigs: malcat.Signatures

The analysis.sigs object is a malcat.Signatures instance that gives you access to all matching and unmatching Yara signatures evaluated against the current file.

Note that in addition to this documentation, you can find usage examples in the sample script which is loaded when you hit F8.

Accessing / enumerating Yara signatures hits

Malcat embeds a Yara scanner as one of its analyses (see Yara signatures). The result of the scan is available through the analysis.sigs python object. Accessing the result of the scan can be useful in your scripts. If you plan to limit your script to Delphi programs for instance, a simple if "Delphi" in analysis.sigs is enough.

class malcat.Signatures

Iterate over all matching signatures

for sig in analysis.sigs:
    print(f"yara rule {sig.name} ({sig.id}) : {sig.type} matched !")
Return type:

iterator over ScanRule


Same as above

Return type:

iterator over ScanRule


Iterate over all signatures, even the non-matching ones

Return type:

iterator over ScanRule


Returns the first (matching or not) ScanRule whose ScanRule.id or ScanRule.name is name. Prioritiy is given to the id matching. If no rule with this id can be found, the search is performed on the name. If no such rule can be found, None is returned.

if analysis.sigs["Delphi"].matching:

name (str) – rule id or name to search for

Return type:

ScanRule or None


return True iff a rule named name has matched the file. Prioritiy is given to the id matching. If no rule with this id can be found, the search is performed on the name. If no such rule can be found, False is returned.

if "Delphi" in analysis.sigs:

name (str) – rule id or name to search for

Return type:



return the number of Yara signatures in database

Return type:


Rule object

Yara rule

Yara rules are python objects of type malcat.ScanRule and offer the following interface:

class malcat.ScanRule
id: str

Yara rule unique identifier

name: str

nice name for the rule (not always unique)

matching: bool

did the rule match?

reliability: int

reliability score of the rule, an int between 0 and 100 inclusive. 100 means the rule has no FP/FN

type: malcat.ScanRule.Type

the dangeority of the rule

category: str

the category metadata of the rule: “packer”, “compiler”, “evasion”, etc.

description: str

the description metadata of the rule, a free-form string

tags: List[str]

all the Yara tags for the rule


number of matching strings / patterns

Return type:


patterns: List[ScanPattern]

the list of all string/regexp patterns (matching and non-matching) of the rule, see below

for pattern in analysis.sigs["QakBot"].patterns:
    for offset, size in pattern.matches:
        print(f"    - pattern {pattern.id} matched at #{offset:x}-#{offset + size:x}")

Rule type / tags

The ScanRule.type of a ScanRule is its dangerosity level. The dangerosity level of a rule is determined by the Yara tags set for the rule.

class malcat.ScanRule.Type

this Yara rule detects malicious files only. This means that the rule has one of the following tags:

  • malware

  • malicious

  • adware

  • apt

  • rat

  • ransom

  • ransomware

  • banker

  • trojan

  • virus

  • worm


this Yara rule detects suspicious intent which is often found in malicious files. This means that the rule has one of the following tags:

  • suspect

  • suspicious

  • heuristic


this Yara rule detects uncommon characteristics. The file can be clean or malicious. This means that the rule has one of the following tags:

  • odd

  • rare

  • weird

  • unusual


this Yara rule detects known tools and techniques that can be used with both good and bad intents. This means that the rule has one of the following tags:

  • pua

  • tool

  • hacktool


all other tags / no tag


Patterns are any entry defined in the “strings:” portion of a Yara rule. They have the following interface:

class malcat.ScanPattern
id: str

the identifier for the pattern, $a = ... -> a, empty string for the anonymous pattern “$”

matches: List[int, int]

all the matching locations of the pattern. It is a list of (physical address, size) pairs.